Thursday, February 3, 2005


NOT! No Snow, At least not here. I was supposed to be in a lot of it by now. The plan was for me to go with the 5th and 6th graders to Winterplace, WV for tubing. Should have left @ 4 today and would return by Saturday. Well, didn't happen for a number of reasons. BOTTOM LINE, NO SNOW!!! I want snow!!! REAL SNOW. FOr all you northern folk who are sick of it, send it down here. I WANT IT!!! GIVE ME SNOW (as jayuff is throwing his laptop across the room, rolling around on the floor, kicking and screaming like a 2 year old)!!!!! OK, I feel better. I have my chance to go skiing next week, Thursday and Friday. I have to be back fo ra wedding rehersal Friday Night, but we'll se how it works out. If you have snow, enjoy it.


Jeff Interiano said...

Hi, thanks for blogmarking my blog, you have a nice blog. That's real cool you are a youth pastor. Take care!!

Snowbabies said...

Surfed in through BE...

I know the feeling, we were looking like having a decent fall of snow over the next week here for the first time in years, now it looks like we'll be lucky to get a few sleet showers over the weekend.
