Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Youth Minister Charged

A local youth minister has been charged with the rape of a 13 year old girl. It allegedly happened in 2002 in another city. The girl is now 17 and has just come forward. I'm bummed about this. His church has faced allegations with a deacon who was a youth worker some years ago. I know the news will run with this and the public will make their minds up, but here's the bottom line. It doesn't matter if he's guilty or innocent. His youth ministry career is most likely over. I'm going to be praying for him either way. This hits way to close to home.


Rick said...

if the allegations are true, his youth ministry career was over back then. whatever progress has been made in kids' lives will almost be null & void in people's eyes. sad that however this turns out, it all stinks bad.

Bert said...

Everytime I read about something this it reminds me to keep my guard up and plead with God daily for clean hands and a pure heart.