Monday, June 13, 2005

Sunday, June 12 (delayed post)

Why does beach water make such good coffee? We went to the Carolina Opry in Myrtle Beach last night. I have to say it is a top notch show. No wonder it’s been awarded the best attraction on the Grand Strand. $30 tickets are great seats and well worth the time and money. I recommend it next time you're at Myrtle Beach OK, I lied, I brought the laptop. Of course this is a delayed post b/c we have no internet connection. There is a faint wireless signal but not enough to connect. Oh, BTW, it’s always a good thing to secure your wireless router. I just happen to be an upstanding guy who won’t surf porn on your connection (or mine own for that matter) but the next guy might not be so upstanding.

I’ve been up since 6. Peppy had to make a lasting impression on the lawn of the Condo Development. This old yankee guy stopped me as we were getting out of the car yesterday. He asked if we were owners or guests. I’m sure it was because of Peppy. I told him we were family of the owner and he asked what unit we were in and who the owner was. I’m glad he’s concerned about keeping the no pets rule, but I wanted to tell him a few things. If I didn’t hold my tongue I would have said, “Listen fellah, I just drove 4 hours after a horrendous 6 months of NEEDING a vacation, I left my wallet at home, my car started to overheat in the outrageous traffic and I REALLY just want to take a few days and relax. I’ve been under more stress than a Big Mac at a fat farm and I really just wish you’d MIND YOUR OWN BUISNESS!”

I was nice though. Oh well, we’re goin to a movie today and I’m reading the next to last Left Behind book. I DON’T want to go back home.

1 comment:

Rick said...

Jesus comes back...

OOOPS, did i spoil the book for ya? sorry...