Wednesday, April 6, 2005


I figured it takes me about $4 to drive to work and back each day. OK. What can we do with this. I know most of you pay a lot more, and I could do all the "save gas" things and buy a smaller car, move closer, carpool, but that's just not practical right now. What can we do as bloggers to get the govenment to do something about this? Is this really all necessary? Why aren't any politicians talking about this? If we just freed the country that has the most oil, why are we not reaping some benefits? Maybe these are stupid questions, but I want answers and solutions. Oh, BTW, this is not a bash american politics conversation. I want to know if you have real ideas and real solutions. Come on Blogosphere, let's get some things done.Posted by Hello


Eddie said...

Our gas is up over $2.20, so just be happy! :) Easier said than done.

Renee said...

Ahhhhh a glimpse of's 75 here in Pa today!:-) Anyway i don't knwow hat to do, maybe get drilling in alaska? My hubby changed a VW diesel to run on veggie oil, not sure if that is cheaper though?lol

Renee said...

Ok i typed to fast and have a couple jumbled words....sorry*blush*

Rick said...

blogexploded all over your hiney.

Back In The Day said...

We need to push the Government to fight for alternative fuels. With 3rd worlds coming in to play, gas will steadily keep rising, supply & demand. It's not going to be an easy fight big oil companies will fight this to the end, after all this will be the end for them.

Anonymous said...

Where I live in SC it's $2.25 but I did gas up at a racetrack (corner of hwy 302 and I-26) in Columbia for $2.19 on Monday. I hear we could be up to $3 by June. Good thing I live 1/2 block from work and walk. With nice weather and my iPod I can save a few bucks a week.

What's the lowest you remember gas prices? Me...I guess when I started paying for gas in the mid/late 80s. It was about 89¢ and I thought I'd die when it went over $1!!!

Renee said...

Jim- The lowest i remember was 99 cents...those were the days!lol:-)

Jeff Stilwell said...

I remember gas in the .70 cent range. When desert Storm took it to $1.25 in the early 90's I thought i'd go broke.

Anonymous said...

Hell, I just dropped $79.52 (2.39/gal) to fill up my truck with diesel fuel this morning. To make matters worse I have to do this twice a week just to drive to work mon-fri (93 miles one way), and my truck gets fantastic mileage 19-20mpg, for a 1-ton truck, thats great, beats all of the gassers by a long shot even for most 1/2 tons.

What I want to know is shy I've been getting jammed for diesel by at least $.20/gal more than gasoline for the past 6 months. Fuel costs were a part of the reason I purchased a diesel, used to be around $.30/gal cheaper.