Hey all you new peoples visiting via blogazoo and blogxchange. I know your probably not sticking around more than your 20-30seconds, but thanks for stopping bye. I'll probably end up at your site too. I appreciate you generating traffic for your own site while I fool myself into thinking 156 people actually just wandered onto my site because they think I'm interesting. I'm hoping to get blasted by at least 200 waterbaloons today. More on that later.
I would love to have a water balloon fight! Talk about relieving some stress!lol
Oh...Jayuff...I'm going to have so much fun blasting you with water-filled balloons.
Who's that guy wacking away at the cowbell? Doesn't he ever get tired?!
Hi there! Came in through blog exchange and wanted to say hi!
Hey, it's all traffic, isn't it? Here's yer damn water balloon...
pimpin' waterballoons. that is so wrong.
TAG - from my blog :)
This BLOG really does need MORE COWBELLS! Yes I got here by BLOGXPLOSION, but I came here for the bells...
I came via Blog Explosion, and guess what, I stayed longer than 30 seconds! Nice blog.
Blog exchange programs do inflate your visit tabs but they also help you get noticed. I barely use them any more, they helped me reach a good basic audience.
Good for getting hits, not so good for getting people to actually read and comment.
Posting a comment deliveres you actually more exposure than keeping on clicking. But still there are some nice things on your website, allthough the wacking man makes it hard to concentrate on reading anything.
I've been here more than blogazoo's 20 sec's too
I, too, have stuck around longer. I wonder about the sense of BE & BZ, too.
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