Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Who reads this?

Who reads this? I'm just curious. I have tried to be creative, but to no avail. Every time I think I have something interesting to write, I'm nowhere near a computer. My ADD never let's me remember what I was thinking 17 1/2 seconds ago, so when I finally reach an outlet to share my treasure of newly thought of creativity, but it's gone. I am an "in the moment" kinda guy I guess. I partly want to use this to journal, but not only for myself. I also want my thought processes to be clear to the reader. My brother's the writer, I'm the talker. But I'm just curious. Take a moment and leave a comment. Tell me who you are and where you're from. Leave me a link and I'll visit your site. I'll also try to make things a little more clear and interesting. Have a nice day.


Rick said...

audioblogger - works to fix that "i forgot to post" problem :)

Cindy Swanson said...

Hi there, Jeff. I read your brother Rick's blog pretty regularly and found you linked there. Having raised three kids who are now in young adulthood, I have a healthy regard for youth pastors...bless you! :) I will make it a point to visit your blog again...hope you'll do the same for me. :)

Blake said...

Well, I found your brother's site from THIS site.

Not really, but I thought it'd make you feel better. I think you first told me about your blogspot after we talked Halo on AIM.

Anonymous said...

I found your blog a while back through Rick's blog, and I drop by to read from time to time. I've never been a youth director, but I did teach middle schoolers at a Christian private school for several years. Nah, not the same. Still, it was fun, and I have had several people call me crazy for it. You've got a great sense of humor!
